Sunday, March 28, 2010

Independent Reading Day 6

Joseph Schwartz is living with the farmers once again. Once, Schwartz was walking in the farmland when he felt something. He realized he felt walking. Not long after this odd feeling, Arbin, one of the farmers, appeared in the distance, and walked up to Schwartz. Schwartz could feel that Arbin was coming towards him without hearing or seeing it. It is discovered then that Schwartz can read minds! When he is playing chess with one of the farmers, Grew, he beats him almost every time because he can see what Grew is thinking with what Schwartz calls the "Mind Touch".

I would be very nervous knowing that someone could read minds. After all, everyone has thoughts that they do not want others to know about. Just imagine if someone like Schwartz was wandering around discovering the secrets of anyone nearby. Every person on the face of the planet would appear to be some sort of monster. Also, we think many things which we would not even actually consider doing. What if everyone could read minds? There would be many horrible misunderstandings, and no one would appear to be a good person. Even if I could be a mind reader, I am not sure I would want to be burdened with the knowledge of all of my friends' personal thoughts. It would be very creepy.

The idea of mind reading being possible comes from Schwartz's intellect being improved by Dr. Shekt's machine. Could your intellect become so advanced that you could perceive the thoughts of others? I don't think it could be possible. Thoughts are mostly determined by calculations inside the brain, and I don't think a human being can hear or see within another person's own mind. After all, we can't see or hear the brain at work, even if the brain was exposed. Therefore, I have a hard time believing that mind reading is possible.

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