Sunday, March 7, 2010

Independent Reading Day 3

In the third section of Pebble in the Sky, by Isaac Asimov, two chapters, Chapter six and Chapter seven, were covered. In chapter six, the Procurator of Earth awake at his palace later than normal. Procurator Ennius was stargazing when his wife came out to see him. Ennius cannot sleep thinking about Dr. Skekt's machine called the Synapsifier, the machine that is supposed to make Schwartz smarter. Ennius believes that Dr. Shekt is building the synapsifier to increase the intelligence of the entire "Earthman" race. This worries Ennius because Earth has rebelled against the Galaxy before. Maybe the Synapsifier will turn Earth into super geniuses! If Earth becomes a planet of super-intellectuals, they might succeed in taking over the Galaxy, as attempted in the past! What's funny about that is the fact that Ennius thinks Earth can take over the galaxy! There are thousands of other planets! It seems nearly impossible!
Ennius is also worried because Bel Arvadan plans on proving Earth as the original home of mankind by entering radioactive areas, which is forbidden to men. This concerns Ennius because the High Minister of Earthmen may use Arvadan's intrusion as an excuse to rebel against the Galaxy! It appears as though no matter what, there is going to be a rebellion. I predict that before the end of Pebble in the Sky, there will be a rebellion of some sort! I think that the Galaxy will win, though, because Earth is just not big enough. Maybe Earth will have to be destroyed!
The next day, Arvadan began touring around Earth to learn what he could about "Earthmen". Pebble in the Sky takes special interest in Arvadan's flight with only "Earthmen" in it. Arvadan tries not to be prejudiced against them, but he can't help being a little self-conscious. On this plane, he realizes that Earthmen look just like ordinary men, such as himself, even though he is from Sirius. Arvadan learns about how when somebody turns sixty, they must die! Imagine having a timetable for how long you are going to live! And the strangest part, that those turning sixty are perfectly happy about it! Happy for death? That confuses me! Eventually, the people on the plane find out Arvadan is from Sirius, not Earth, and everyone turns away from him. Everyone, that is, except for a man named Creen, who begins talking to him and sort of befriending him, but trying to find out facts about him. It turns out, Creen is from the Society of Ancients, an organization with mysterious objective. It is not said what they are, nor why they exist! What is this Society of Ancients? I think they are trying to wipe out Earthmen or trying to help Earth rebel. As to which side I am unsure. Perhaps answers will be revealed in chapters eight and nine in Pebble in the Sky by Isaac Asimov!

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