Thursday, August 26, 2010

Testing Technology: Mind Control!

This is the last post before the start of school. There are a few options available at the start of school. Those will be discussed at a later time. Let's move on to the topic, shall we?

This probably is not the best time, but I am going to start a new series on the blog called Testing Technology, in which we will explore what possibilities we can uncover using the technology we already have and the laws of Physics and Quantum Mechanics which we have discovered thus far on the blog. The discussions in this series of posts will be like the Star Trek Transporter post. Can we do it? How?

This time the topic is mind control. Can we gain control of the minds of other living things? How? Let's find out.

Obviously the human brain is very complicated and nobody really knows exactly how it works. We need to start with what we already know how to do. Supposedly the brain functions via electricity and chemicals. What has electricity and chemicals? Computers!

We can command robots to do things we want them to by putting together certain electric wires or certain chemicals. We can already control non living things. Computers seem to be the key to the mind.

We know that the human brain can be connected to computers because that's how bionic arms work. Your brain still sends the same electrical impulses to the arm, and that computer reads your electrical impulses to perform the commands your brain has sent! But controlling computers is one thing. Controlling the brain itself is something else altogether.

However, we can't be too far away. However, controlling the brain is a monumental task. The organ is extremely complex. We need more information in order to specifically figure out how to control it. However, I think it can be done.

Here is the simplest version of mind control that I can think of.

Step 1: Overload brain. This will cause the brain to shut down.
Step 2: Remove brain. Be sure not to damage any other parts of the body unless you intend on replacing them.
Step 3: Insert computer. This computer would sort of replicate a brain by being able to send out electrical impulses and chemicals. If we can receive impulses with the bionic arm, we can simply take those impulses that we received at first, and have the computer send those impulses. Now you can send the impulses to other parts of the system.
Step 4: Reboot the system: Have the computer start sending out impulses to get the body moving again. You now have control.

Congratulations! You have control! Or do you?

This is not really mind control, this is mind replacement. You have total control of the body of that person, but really what have we accomplished? We might as well have built a robot!

So this version is not practical and we did not really acquire control of the brain. However, we did prove many things by doing this. We can figure out how to send out impulses from the computer. We have in a sense built a brain. Now that we know how the brain works, we can figure out how to control it without removing the brain.

We need to find the decision engine of the brain. The portion that gives the person freedom of choice. We think that portion of the brain is the frontal lobe. This section is responsible for planning, organizing, problem solving, selective attention, personality and a variety of "higher cognitive functions" including behavior and emotions. According to "A Guide to Brain Anatomy". This map is also from the site.

The cerebellum is the part that is in charge of movement. Walking, talking, eating, etc. This could also be important in mind control.

The brain allows for different types of mind control. We could control the decisions of the brain which would be the key to the body. Or we could just control the movement portion, controlling all of the movements of the body while the person is stuck thinking about what is going on. A much more torturous method if I do say so myself!

How can we do this? How do we take over the brain without killing the living person inside of it? After the mind control, we may want to undo the interaction. Therefore we need to keep the old brain intact. With our technology I think we can manage this.

We would need to send in some sort of small remote controlled robot to go into the brain and send impulses to control the body. The only problem is that the old brain would be struggling for control. Maybe we could have the robot insert some sort of anesthesia into the frontal lobe. However, we would have to make sure the anesthesia doesn't spread everywhere or else nothing in the body would work. I'm not exactly sure how we could do that.

What do you think? Is mind control possible? How can we do it? Comment with your ideas and opinions.

Please note that I am not in favor of introducing mind control to the average human. I just want to know if it is possible.


  1. Well Dan, I believe that it is definately possible to "control" someones brain and see many ways of doing this. My methods seem simpler than yours but aren't very accurate.

    #1. On a show I watched, there was a brain scientist who decided to find God... don't take this in a religious way, just as a method of brain control... he figured out that by putting magnets to certain portions of the brain you can make them have illusions that they think are real. The person he tested it on was able to count the number of floating people in the room even though there weren't any. ANd in another location saw fire and lots of red.

    The scientist technically controlled her brain by making it recognize information that wasn't there.

    #2. On Ghost Hunters they have devices that detect EMF (electro-magnetic fields) which can cause some people have halucinations, nausia, and the sence that something is there. Obviously the electromagnetism is effecting the brain again.

    How to control someones brain... expose them to magnetism or electricity.

    #3. this one is technically the easyist, and most accurate, but you don't really have control of someones brain. So on the bus when Maddie asks me questions, I could lie to her and make her think a certain way about something. I would have control over her brain, but it would be easy for her to find out the truth and that would be bad for me.

    None of these control actions really, just obscures the mental statis which lets them still have complete control over what they do. Best way to describe the concept is "Why is this North?" Answer, We've been Brain-washed

  2. so going with shannons thoughts on electro-magnetic field there is proof that it can make you see things or even do things. to completely over run someones brain you would have to be supreamly accurate with the magnetic field,that means using an electro-magnet that is in the nano scale. thus it is now out of our reach technologically. also the size of the computer would be astonomical. it would,1 have to be hundreds of times greater memory than the brain.2 smarter that a brain, 3 quicker that a brain,and it would have to be independent. also known as a super computer that could take over
    its a human brain mushifier that makes armies of zombiesto protect it while it conqers the universe MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAH!!!!!!!!!
    so any ways it is out of our reach technologically and its a bad idea.

    i find total control out of the question but as shannon stated you could make people go crazy by electro-magnets and chemicals but hardly total controll of a brain

  3. Unfortunately none of these methods control the brain, just mess up what they see.

    The brain washing method is in some ways a long term form of mind control, although you are not directly in control of the person's brain.

    On the electromagnetic thought, although it makes people see certain things you are not in control of what the person does, therefore it isn't quite the mind control method we are looking for.

    As fun as it may be to make random people go crazy, that is not the goal. We are trying to control a person's mind. I don't think magnetism is the right way because it only disables or confuses the brain.

  4. if you pinpoint the electromagnetic field it would. the chemical messages are to slow for motor functions and thus used for storing info and slower prosses like pain reflexes even though it is mostly electrical. thus you could control the chemical signals to operate at a normal level by controlling the electrical signals powering the chemical production. thus a zombie. the precise electrical signal could control the brain

  5. OK, but how are you going to pinpoint that electromagnetic field so that it sends electrical impulses where you want it? How are you going to get the electrical signal through the skull and into the brain to the exact point?

  6. Great QUestion.... I'll let some brain scientist figure that one out
